Baptists Equipping Nationals (BEN) is a mission agency with a very special focus - the  training of Timothys for ministry. The training is unique in that it is offered in or near the  homelands of national students by qualified professors from the U.S. volunteering their time  and expertise.  Classes are offered in module format twice a year on different sites in Egypt  and Jordan.  The driving purpose of BEN is to equip nationals to:  Evangelize the lost  Plant churches Disciple Believers  Commit the same training they received to faithful men who will teach others also.  All this is done in fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) after the pattern of the  Apostle Paul, recorded in the New Testament.  BEN’s special focus and unique method enables the furtherance of the gospel in restricted  access nations which have gone virtually untouched by evangelistic efforts for centuries.  While American missionaries may not establish residence and minister in these countries,  national believers called of God can! This strategic ministry is equipping nationals to pierce  significant barriers with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  As we share more details about this exciting ministry, special caution and deliberate  ambiguity will be used to protect the well-being of students and the programs overseas.  Unfortunately, this is necessarily so. For these servants to surrender their lives for ministry  invites significant peril to their own lives. More details can be given in personal  communications or presentations which are not as publicly accessible as the world wide  web.