I was born and raised in Christiansburg, Virginia.  From the  time I was two weeks old, I was taken to church and was  taught about spiritual things.  There I learned about what  Christ had done for me.  At the age of 7, the Lord began  dealing with me about my need for salvation. One Sunday  night, I went forward and my pastor led me to the Lord.  I have always loved music.  At the age of 10, I began  taking piano lessons.  The Lord saw fit to give me a  musical talent and to allow me to use it for Him as church  pianist and choir director.  More than anything, I have  always wanted to do anything the Lord wanted me to do.  At the age of 17, I applied and was accepted at Radford  University where I completed the Bachelor of Music  degree.  I then began teaching music in a public school.   During the years I taught in the public schools, the Lord  brought godly examples into my life and began dealing with  me  regarding my need for Biblical training.  In 1988, I took a leave of absence from my job and enrolled in Piedmont Bible College  where I earned a two-year Bachelor of Arts in Bible degree.  During this time I met Kenneth  and we began dating.  Soon it became apparent that it was God's will for Kenneth and me to  get married and serve Him as missionaries.  On January 9, 2001, the Lord expanded my ministry to include our son, Joshua.  Joshua is a very active and happy 10-year-old who brightens our day.